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Welcome to the TEAm

For many years, our Association has worked hard to advocate for and advance the cause of public education. We believe good learning conditions for students require good working conditions for teachers. We believe adequate supplies, safe facilities, reasonable class sizes, student support services, and yes, professional pay levels and benefits are necessary for effective schools. But being a member of TEA is so much more than just negotiating salary and benefits; having a voice and being part of the solution helps to create relationships within our community as we work together to advocate for our schools, our students and our profession.


We work to help students become knowledgeable, productive, active citizens - the best individuals they can possibly be. We also work to form a professional support system which helps all of us to succeed while embracing our individuality. We work to help you become the effective professional you want to be, to support you as you support your students in becoming the individuals they want to be, and to have your voice and your input as we advocate and represent you wisely and successfully. Most of all, we believe that educator and student success is at the heart of everything we do.  


When we work together, we strengthen the teaching profession and the communities we serve!

Teach your Heart out!

Tell us who is fabulous in your school. Nominate the educators who truly exemplify TEA, and TEAch their hearts out!


TEAm Happenings

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